A siblingship DNA test helps to prove the relatedness as siblings between two individuals. Advanced DNA Services provides DNA testing to prove full or half siblingship. It is also used to prove paternity or maternity relationship indirectly when the father or mother is not available for the DNA test. The siglingship DNA testing results can be used as proof in claiming social security benefits, inheritance or as evidence in immigration cases.
When two individuals share the same mother, but are not sure if they share the same father, a full siblingship DNA test can be performed to find out if they share both biological parents.
When two individuals don’t share the same mother, but may share the same father, a half siblingship DNA test can be performed to find out if they share the same biological father.
In a siblingship DNA test, the mother(s) of both individuals are encouraged to participate, which helps to determine and exclude the half of their maternal DNA in the data analysis. Because of the complex nature of this type of DNA test, the statistics that are used to prove the degree of relatedness may yield inconclusive results.
For more information about our siblingship DNA testing service, please call one of our caring and knowledgeable case managers at 513-898-9826.