In some countries such as China where there are many unreported or undocumented births in certain provinces, the government agencies such as the notary office may request a DNA paternity or maternity test to obtain proof of biological relationship before issuing a notarized birth certificate when needed. Advanced DNA Services has helped a lot of our clients to perform the DNA test for the following purposes.
Immigration for applicants originated from China
When original birth certificate does not exist in a family based immigration case, the applicants can request a notarized birth certificate from the notary office in China. Often times, the notary office will request a DNA paternity or maternity test to prove the relationship before issuing a notarized birth certificate.
The DNA test for this purpose can be conducted by a government accredited laboratory in China or by an AABB accredited laboratory in U. S.. For most of our clients, it is not realistic for them to go back to China and take a test with their family members. However, our vast collection clinics across U. S. can help our clients to get their samples collected and processed at our AABB accredited laboratory wherever they are.
After the DNA testing results are generated, Advanced DNA Services will help to get the results authenticated and shipped directly back to the notary office that requests it to ensure complete chain of custody.
Obtain passport or residency in China
Since the child’s birth wasn’t reported or documented, it is difficult for him or her to enjoy benefits based on residency such as schooling or to apply for a passport. The security bureau may request a DNA test to prove biological relationship between the child and the residents before issuing a passport or report the child on residency documents.
For more information about our DNA testing service for notarized birth certificate, please call one of our caring and knowledgeable case managers at 513-898-9826