Company Advantages
We understand that the DNA testing service you order will have life-long impact on you and your family. Our experienced and caring DNA testing consultants will familiarize you with the procedures and discuss options that you have. Call now for your free DNA test consultation at 513-898-9826.
As one of the world’s first and most experienced DNA testing service providers, our laboratory offers a lot of advantages other providers in the industry can’t compete with. Some of the advantages offered by our DNA testing laboratory include:
100% Accuracy
Our laboratory has processed tens of thousands DNA tests in the past two decades, and enjoyed an error-free track record. Our extremely strict laboratory process and dedicated scientists with the highest qualification are the guarantee for exceptional quality. Your choice of Advanced DNA Services ensures that you can answer your paternity or other family relationship question with 100% confidence.
Best Client Service
At Advanced DNA Services, we take our clients’ excellent experience with us as one of our top priorities. You can reach us without worrying about talking to automated voice system at any time. You will talk to one dedicated case manager who knows all details about your case throughout your testing process. We are truly staffed 24/7 and accessible via phone, fax, and email. Our knowledgeable case managers speak multiple languages and customize DNA testing solutions for each of our clients in their own specific circumstance.
Our laboratory is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), the College of American Pathologists (CAP), The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), and the Forensic Quality Services-International (FQS-I, ISO/IEC 17025). AABB sets the gold standard for parentage and other family relationship testing procedures in the DNA paternity testing industry. Only AABB accredited laboratories’ testing results are accepted by the U. S. courts of law, the immigration services and other foreign governments.
Comprehensive DNA Testing Service Menu
Advanced DNA Services offers the most complete DNA testing service menu in the industry. We provide DNA testing solutions for circumstances such as child support, custody, inheritance, adoption, immigration, birth certificate issuance, Native American tribe enrollment and genealogy research. Our DNA testing options include paternity test, maternity test, siblingship test, grandparentage test, avuncular test, tribe DNA test, ancestry DNA determination and DNA tests for genealogy such as Y-STR or mtDNA tests.
For more information about our DNA testing services, please call one of our caring and knowledgeable DNA consultants at 513-898-9826.