We understand that the DNA testing service you order will have life-long impact on you and your family. Our experienced and caring DNA testing consultants will familiarize you with the procedures and discuss options that you have. Call now for your free DNA test consultation at 513-898-9826.
Comprehensive DNA Testing Service Menu
Advanced DNA Services offers the most complete DNA testing service menu in the industry. We provide DNA testing solutions for circumstances such as child support, custody, inheritance, adoption, immigration, birth certificate issuance, Native American tribe enrollment and genealogy research. Our DNA testing options include paternity test, prenatal paternity test, siblingship test, grandparentage test, DNA profiling, avuncular test, tribe DNA test, ancestry DNA determination and DNA tests for genealogy such as Y-STR or mtDNA tests.
For more information about our DNA testing services, please call one of our caring and knowledgeable DNA consultants at 513-898-9826.