Every individual’s genetic material is unique except for identical twins. A DNA profile is a unique genetic fingerprint of each individual. Unlike a name that could be shared or a social security number that could be stolen, each individual’s DNA profile doesn’t change once the DNA is formed at conception.
The DNA profile is an allele sizing report for a combination of 16 highly unique markers found in each individual’s DNA. The DNA profile is generated for the following purposes.
A future DNA paternity or family relationship test may be needed, but the tested party may not be available at a future time or location.
An individual’s DNA profile may be needed for comparison or identification in case of accidents or disasters, especially for people in high-risk professions, military and law enforcement forces.
The DNA profile can assist in finding and identifying the missing ones.
For more information about our DNA profiling service, please call one of our caring and knowledgeable case managers at 513-898-9826